Angkor Wat Tour in Cambodia: Experience of a lifetime

posted in: Asia, World | 0

In the pantheon of temple architectures, Angkor Wat holds the undisputed numero-uno position. It’s so massive in size, and at the same time, so intricate in design that its construction still remains shrouded in mystery. Last October, our Angkor Wat tour in Cambodia was an experience of a lifetime. Here’s our experience in words with some helpful travel tips for your visit.

Best way to explore Delhi in 3 days

posted in: India, North India, Travel Plans | 10

Delhi is famous for its magnificent monuments. However, Delhi today is much more than just its historic monuments; it’s a major cultural hotspot in India. With a river (Yamuna) flowing through the city, expansive green forests/ parks, great museums, a potpourri of people and cultures, food and shopping avenues, Delhi has something for everyone. This article is an effort to provide clues to travellers on the best way to explore Delhi in 3 days.

Gagron Fort deserves better as a tourist destination

The only hills-and-water fort in Rajasthan, Gagron was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2013 as one of the six “Hill forts of Rajasthan”. The other five forts are in Chittorgarh, Kumbhalgarh, Jodhpur, Jaipur and Jaisalmer, all magnificent ones. However, Gagron Fort is the least visited of them all. This article is an effort to bring the grandeur of the fort to you.

Death Railway : How it changed my travel perspective

Then known as “Thailand-Burma Railway”, it was later called the “Death Railway”. Construction of the railway track between Ban Pong in Thailand and Thanbyuzayat in Burma was/ is a dark chapter in the history of mankind. More than 1 hundred thousand labourers perished during its construction. A visit to the site changed my travel perspective.

Stonehenge and Bath- Two ancient wonders in a day

posted in: Europe, World | 6

England often doesn’t augur that ‘ancient cultural’ vibe as its other western neighbors like Italy and Greece do. But England, (and the United Kingdom) is home to some of the most amazing symbols of ancient civilizations. The Avebury ring, Skara brae, Hadrian’s wall, Edinburg castle and Corfe castle are just a few to name. I had the opportunity of visiting two such ancient wonders- Stonehenge and Bath, in a day, in 2015.